Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Posting 1 Elizabeth Choy

Elizabeth Choy was a war heroine of the Second World War. Before the Japanese occupation she was a teacher at St Andrew's School. When the Japanese occupied Singapore she worked in a canteen of a hospital. When suspected of taking part in a successful sabotage she was tortured by the Japanese to tell them who took part in the sabotage. However, she did not. Due to the torture she grew afraid of electric for the rest of her life. When the war was over she was awarded many medals for her bravery. She sets an example for people all over the world to follow.
The Japs probaly thought they could cut them selves a slice of action. Sell some heroin get rich buy nuclear weapons and invade Russia.(You porbably know that the second paragraph was to extend the posting to 150 words and this also lols and this also erh how do I stop? And this also argh! And this also roflmao and this also........)

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