Sunday, February 3, 2008

Posting 2 Autobiography

Hi! As the title suggests this is an autobiography. YEAH!!! WOOTS!!!! YEEHA!!! Okay enuff bout that back 2(to) topic.

Time is like a flowing river, it waits for no one and stops for no one. The following content you are about to read is about a student with no real authority and can't even call in an airstrike.
The first decade
Okay you probally know I was born in 1996(hey no pressure for not knowing this is not a test). I learnt how to walk and crawl like one year after and had my first train ride later on in 1998. Dont remember when I first spoke probally in that same year or earlier my mom doesn't remember. Then I had a cross century count down with my family (dont recall much of those). I came to Singapore in 2001 and went to a PAP kindergarten in West Coast (I was very slim then) tranfered to Learning Vision after about 2 months. Started going to Jin Tai Primary school in 2002 . Oh yeah I remember the Christmas tree incident in 2003 boy what fun. I ALMOST got into GEP in 2005 GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR went to Australia and got hit in the nose by a koala(not very enjoyable, do you know they hold on to you? then they fall asleep and wakes up god knows when, my tour guide said it was 18 hours arghhh!). Transferred to Henry Park in 2006 in the same year watched the tsunami on tv. My friend Jinlin Zhang (from Jin Tai too) transferred with me (coincidentaly)

The second decade
Created 5B TIMES in 2007 and sold it to Fabian and people but it got banned by Mrs Janet Ng. And in this year(2008), I created SCHOOL WARZ with my friend Shueh Chien!! It only took 3 weeks to do!!!!.
P.S.You probably guessed that SCHOOL WARZ fell too. But Shueh Chien is trying to draw it back by memory (trust him to do that).

1 comment:

Yi Ming said...

oh my god! u got hit on the nose by a koala! hahahahahaha! that's so funny!! hahahaha