Friday, March 28, 2008

周记(Yeah, I know. Again!?)

那两个短片好看把?在这个周末里,除了说Ancient English Language(Thy enemy of thou's enemy is thou's friend)以外,我所做的其它事情跟其它周末一样.这包括:做老师给的作业,上www.onemanga.com去看D.Grayman漫画,向从我头上飞过和在我旁边的战斗飞机和学校骂脏话(因为它们太吵了),祈求神保育让我在数学课目上把同学打败,玩电脑游戏.我唯一不长做的是就是上Nus High School of Mathematics and Science的网站报名参加它们的DSA(因为只能做一次).哈哈!你听了这些一定很闷吧?OK!我让你做个数学问题!Using only five zeroes(0) and any maths caculations(+,-,*,/,!,squared,cubed,to the power of etc.) how can you get a hundred and twenty(120)?答案在下面.

Thy answer is:[(0!)+(0!)+(0!)+(0!)+(0!)]!

Explaination: Because 0! or zero factorised is 1, so zero factorised multiplied by 5 is 5, and 5 factorised is 120! Did ya get thy answer? Probably not!

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