Saturday, September 6, 2008




  1. 班上有个著名的"吝啬鬼"
  2. 一天我忘了带钱包
  3. 当我向他借钱时,他意外地借了我钱
我所对他的偏见一瞬间都化无了。(as in melted into thin air) 我那愉快的心情是非笔墨所能形容的。(I mean the "吝啬鬼" did lend me money)

Thursday, September 4, 2008



  1. 考试即将来临
  2. 但我却有手好闲
  3. 啥准备也没做,希望一步登天,考上名牌学校
  4. 成绩一塌糊涂






  1. 推销员在推销外国原子比
  2. 有折扣,一支只卖两元,买三支送一支
  3. 因贪心,一下子就买了三支





  1. 小强知道我的"苦衷"
  2. 他主动帮忙
  3. 我很感动



Monday, September 1, 2008

Another Chinese Homework


  1. 令我尴尬的一天
  1. 蓝眼镜,像榴梿的头发,瘦削的好像皮包骨头,叫Alvin或者可能是Kuan Hien.(因为记不得了)
  2. 不小心"偷了"Assistant Head Prefect的Green(打不了Chi)笔.
  3. 不好意思只好拖Hemaprashad还给他.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Chinese homework

Why tamils celebrate Deepavali and light lights everywhere other than because the prince returned for 14 years of exile.

The Killing of Narakasura: Celebrated as Naraka Chaturdasi, two days before Diwali day, it commemorates the killing of Narakasura, an evil demon who created havoc, by Lord Krishna's wife Satyabhama. This happened in the Dwapar Yuga during this time of Lord Krishna's avatar. In another version, the demon was killed by Lord Krishna (Lord krishna provokes his wife Satyabhama to kill Narakasura by pretending to be injured by the demon. Narakasura can only be killed by his mother, Satyabhama) himself.[citation needed] Before Narakasura's death, he requested a boon from his mother, Satyabhama (believed to be an Avatar of Bhudevi - Narakasura' mother), that everyone should celebrate his death with colorful light.

(Note:This is a word for word copy from Wikipedia)

Friday, March 28, 2008

周记(Yeah, I know. Again!?)

那两个短片好看把?在这个周末里,除了说Ancient English Language(Thy enemy of thou's enemy is thou's friend)以外,我所做的其它事情跟其它周末一样.这包括:做老师给的作业,上www.onemanga.com去看D.Grayman漫画,向从我头上飞过和在我旁边的战斗飞机和学校骂脏话(因为它们太吵了),祈求神保育让我在数学课目上把同学打败,玩电脑游戏.我唯一不长做的是就是上Nus High School of Mathematics and Science的网站报名参加它们的DSA(因为只能做一次).哈哈!你听了这些一定很闷吧?OK!我让你做个数学问题!Using only five zeroes(0) and any maths caculations(+,-,*,/,!,squared,cubed,to the power of etc.) how can you get a hundred and twenty(120)?答案在下面.

Thy answer is:[(0!)+(0!)+(0!)+(0!)+(0!)]!

Explaination: Because 0! or zero factorised is 1, so zero factorised multiplied by 5 is 5, and 5 factorised is 120! Did ya get thy answer? Probably not!

Monday, March 17, 2008



Thursday, March 6, 2008


假期总算到了,可是我不知到这假期是可笑还是可悲.跟我上次写的一样,这会功课真是多的要命.虽然数学老师说假期要放轻松可是如果你是我的话你可能就笑不出来了.这样子一下就把我弄的哭笑不得.爸爸前几天把学校PSLE要注意的条子打印出来了,在那上面科学最后一点所说的是:"Don't kill the joy of learning and exploring", 可是如果真是这样的话那我为啥会有这么多的假期作业呢?我哭的不是郭家也不是典伟(因为我不是曹操),我哭也不是因为功课太多,我哭是哭在学校老师的话互相矛盾.如果你真的是要这样说为什么你口是心非呢?如果你说的一套和你所做的一套不同那你为啥口是心非呢?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Posting 3

Snowy Owls
Snowy Owls or Nyctea scandiaca are fascinating creatures. It is somewhat obivious how the snowy owl got its name, they are snow white in colour. Male snowy owls are for some reason whiter than the females and as they grow older, they get whiter still. The females however, are never completely white, they remain with brownish with darker markings throughout their lives. Snowy owls have excellent eyesight, but when its prey is hidden deep under the artic snow, it uses another sense for hunting, that sense is hearing. The most interesting part about a snowy owl is this, unlike most other owls whoch sleeps during the day and hunts at night, snowy owls are active during the day. They are most active during dawn and dusk. And they are somewhat espically active during summer.
Giant panda or panda is called 大熊猫 in chinese. Its scientific name is Ailuropoda melanoluceda. This creature is not only extremely rare but it is extremly picky. Pandas eat almost nothing but bamboo shoots and leaves found in its natural habitat. Once in a while they get tired of their bamboo diet and eats other vegetation, fish or small animals. But bamboo is still their main diet having it acconting 99% of their entire diets. Pandas are amazing at eating, they eat fast, they eat alot and they spend tweleve hours doing it a day. Pandas are extremely shy and will not venture into human inhabitated areas.
Polar Bears
Polar Bears or Ursus maritimus like pandas focus their diet mainly on one thing, in this case, seals. You can see them hunting for seals on sea ice most of the times. When the sea ice melts they retret back to shore. Polar bears are somewhat of a half-ambush, half-straightout predators. Like crocodiles they wait silently for their prey but unlike crocodiles it sometimes will also hunt for its prey under the sea ice.
Bald Eagles
A bald eagle? Not this one even though its name somewhat says it's bald but actually if you are looking for a bald eagle go for valtures. This eagle's white feathers on its head may make it look bald but actually it is not. Bald actually came from an old english word 'balde' which means white. This eagle has been the national symbol of the United States for 226 years to date and it still is. Amazingly female bald eagles are bigger than males. Eagle nestes are called aeris (A-rees) and some eagles come back to their nests year after year adding more sticks, twigs and grass each time.
Tigers(Inclusive of Siberian, Bengal, and other species)
Tigers or Panthera tigris are the largest wild cat in the world. It is easily recongised by its coat of orange with black stripes. The predator usually hunts alone and it is able to bring down a deer or an antelope. Tigers like lions hunts at night. Tigers unlike most of the cat family seem to like water. They swim pretty well and usually can be seen chilling out not in pubs but in streams or rivers. Tigers stripes are like human fingerprints no two patterns are alike.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


哇! 今年的新年算什么吗!?初夕就这么多功课,假看来是放不成了.星期六,我去了圣淘沙去看那里的花展.花的种类没有我想象的那么多,可是,花的摆设满有创亿的.新年快到了,我在这里向大家拜个早年,祝大家,身体健康!万事如意!学业/事业进步!年年有余!财源广进!!......
P.S.Blog 有点不好所以做了点改变,所以你可能看到在农历新年后发生的事.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Posting 2 Autobiography

Hi! As the title suggests this is an autobiography. YEAH!!! WOOTS!!!! YEEHA!!! Okay enuff bout that back 2(to) topic.

Time is like a flowing river, it waits for no one and stops for no one. The following content you are about to read is about a student with no real authority and can't even call in an airstrike.
The first decade
Okay you probally know I was born in 1996(hey no pressure for not knowing this is not a test). I learnt how to walk and crawl like one year after and had my first train ride later on in 1998. Dont remember when I first spoke probally in that same year or earlier my mom doesn't remember. Then I had a cross century count down with my family (dont recall much of those). I came to Singapore in 2001 and went to a PAP kindergarten in West Coast (I was very slim then) tranfered to Learning Vision after about 2 months. Started going to Jin Tai Primary school in 2002 . Oh yeah I remember the Christmas tree incident in 2003 boy what fun. I ALMOST got into GEP in 2005 GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR went to Australia and got hit in the nose by a koala(not very enjoyable, do you know they hold on to you? then they fall asleep and wakes up god knows when, my tour guide said it was 18 hours arghhh!). Transferred to Henry Park in 2006 in the same year watched the tsunami on tv. My friend Jinlin Zhang (from Jin Tai too) transferred with me (coincidentaly)

The second decade
Created 5B TIMES in 2007 and sold it to Fabian and people but it got banned by Mrs Janet Ng. And in this year(2008), I created SCHOOL WARZ with my friend Shueh Chien!! It only took 3 weeks to do!!!!.
P.S.You probably guessed that SCHOOL WARZ fell too. But Shueh Chien is trying to draw it back by memory (trust him to do that).

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Posting 1 Elizabeth Choy

Elizabeth Choy was a war heroine of the Second World War. Before the Japanese occupation she was a teacher at St Andrew's School. When the Japanese occupied Singapore she worked in a canteen of a hospital. When suspected of taking part in a successful sabotage she was tortured by the Japanese to tell them who took part in the sabotage. However, she did not. Due to the torture she grew afraid of electric for the rest of her life. When the war was over she was awarded many medals for her bravery. She sets an example for people all over the world to follow.
The Japs probaly thought they could cut them selves a slice of action. Sell some heroin get rich buy nuclear weapons and invade Russia.(You porbably know that the second paragraph was to extend the posting to 150 words and this also lols and this also erh how do I stop? And this also argh! And this also roflmao and this also........)

No time for templates

Sry. I ain't gt no tools or the time for templates, if Ear can send me Adobe PaintBrush I can create 1 but I can't now.